Молодежная делегация в Америку

В марте 2017 года состоялся очередной обмен делегациями между городами - побратимами Рубцовск- Грантс-Пасс. 7 рубцовских десятиклассников под руководством директора ЦИЯ "Лингва" Светланы Ивановой посетили Америку.  Своими впечатлениями с лингвистами делится участник делегации
 My journey to the USA gave me a lot of unforgettable recollections! I would like to tell you a bit about the most amazing ones.
Dmitry Vartanov
Our first city to visit was Grants Pass, Oregon, where we spent most of the time of our trip. I should say that although Grants Pass is located very far from Altai Region, its environment reminded me the nature of the Altai Mountains. A lot of small towns are located at the feet of the gorgeous, green hills. Strong and fast Rogue River separates Grants Pass in two parts. If you have ever been to Altai Mountains, you can imagine Oregon environment as these 2 places have really a lot in common. I think, if there were raccoons and skunks in the Altai Mountains who used to spend their lives near people, stealing their food and just searching for it in the streets, it would be almost the same. Moreover, even deer are not afraid of people as well, as you can find some deer in your backyard, eating your sward in Oregon.
Although there are a lot of similarities in environment between these two places, Oregon has its own unique parts. For instance, there is a Redwood forest, Crater Lake, Table Rock etc. As for me, the most exciting was Redwood forest because we got a unique chance to see the biggest trees in the world called sequoias. Although there are no trips to the biggest ones because scientists are doing researches on them now, we have seen some giant trees as well. I bet, you will need a group of more than 15 people to enfold the stems of sequoias.
If you want to find the thing which really differs from our one, then you need to compare schools. Firstly, American students have 12 grades and they have their classes till 3 o'clock, also we have 1 month more of summer holidays. However, they don't study at schools on Saturdays. Secondly, it is allowed to wear what you want at schools and they can choose the subjects which they want to study in higher grades. The most common way of making lesson is discussion where each American student can tell his/her opinion and they don't need to get permission from a teacher to talk during the lesson. It can seem that their educational programme is better, but, in my opinion, American students often grow narrow broad-minded because they usually choose few of subjects.
The thing, which I will remember for the rest of my life, is Universal Studios Park in Los Angeles. This is an amusement park with lots of amazing, beautiful and sometimes even frightening attractions. The park is divided in sections and each is dedicated to different films or cartoons. For instance, we were in Springfield where the Simpsons live, we spent plenty of time in Hogwarts and we also became the part of the Walking Dead serial for a moment. As soon as you get to any part of the park, you get to unique world filled with different decorations from the films.
To sum up, these things were the most memorable for me but there were a lot of other different awesome places such Crater Lake, Santa Monica Beach, and Bear Hotel and so on. To be honest, if I told you about every place which our group visited, there would be a whole wall covered with writing. Unfortunately, it's impossible to flash all the expressions from our journey in text and that's why I wish once everyone would get an opportunity to go to America and see everything themselves.